“In the Greek civilization the words Idea and Form had the same meaning. They believed that if you could conceptualize something in your mind then it became form. I created five of these forms for my first installation at Finch Lane Gallery, SLC in 1994. The title of the exhibit was “Five Realities: Form is Emptiness / Emptiness is Form”. The neon and steel monoliths represented Universal Consciousness, while the cots and iron barbed shoes represented static or institutionalized thought patterns.”
Dolores Chase, gallery owner and art collector, regarding Alvey’s work, “She has done many brave and ambitious pieces over the years, one of which I own. She continues to grow and experiment—often combining disciplines in enigmatic ways, one of them being her wave theory/physics installations in steel and neon. She takes risks and always creates compelling and thought-provoking work.”
The mind is the matrix of all matter.
-- Max Planck