Splitting the Plutonium Atom

“Mother Goddess Shakti, the Creator, sits at the center of the Universe. Kali, the destroyer, a manifestation of Shakti appears at the end of each tube. The tubes represent nuclear fuel rods used in the production of nuclear fuel. Ancient Hindu teachings explain that we live in a world of dichotomies and that to reach a state of Nirvana (Bliss) we must bring the opposites together. The Mother Goddess embodies this concept of great power being both good and evil. We are moving forward into the 21st century and seeing nuclear potential as the most magnanimous specter of good and evil that humankind will ever encounter.

The words hand lettered in Sanskrit around center light quote Oppenheimer when he witnesses the first nuclear blast, Trinity, in 1945The Sanskrit lettering is Oppenheimer’s quote of the Hindu Holy Book, Bhagavad Gita, which he is studying ... Now I have become Time, Destroyer of Worlds.

I believe that he knew that this discovery would unleash both a holy trinity and an unholy force. The greater the good, the more horrible the evil: This is the supreme dichotomy: God or the Devil. Creation or Destruction, leaving the witnesses Terrified and Awestruck. Witnesses of the detonation of Trinity describe a false dawn rising over New Mexico, turning the desert sands into green glass. Testimony of down winders describes hell on earth: “I could see the bones in my arm with my eyes closed”.

We are entering a new Atomic Age. More countries have nuclear capabilities now and more countries are seeking nuclear power. Some for domestic energy and others for weapons capability and some for both. At the heart of the issue is the splitting of the plutonium atom, either in a controlled way or in a destructive way. 

Governments become seduced by the awe inspiring power — ultimate and intoxicating. Individual people and families are paying the debt with sixty years of illness genetic mutations and death that will continue forever in our progeny.”